The Network of SME Envoys met yesterday in Brussels to discuss how to improve market access opportunities for the 23 million SMEs in the EU. The SME Envoys were particularly concerned by the low participation rate of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in public procurement. They supported the upcoming review of the European procurement rules which will make it easier for small companies to participate in public tenders. The SME Envoys also called upon SMEs to seize all the opportunities of the green economy, as only 26% of SMEs are active in green markets today. The global market for environmental goods and services is estimated to be around €1000 billion per annum and expected to triple by 2020. The third main topic of this meeting was assisting SMEs to go international. Member States representatives and Business Organisations alike agreed on the need to follow up with concrete measures. On invitation of the Maltese government, the next SME envoy meeting will take i...
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