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Mirada Internacional: Estados Unidos

URI Spreading Breast Cancer Awareness; Raising Funds for Gloria Gemma Breast Cancer Resource Foundation with 8th Annual Pink Out

When the URI men’s basketball team hosts Saint Joseph’s at the Ryan Center on Wednesday, February 19, loyal fans will once again substitute Keaney Blue—the Rhody Rams’ distinct team color—for pink. It’s all part of the annual URI Pink Out to spread awareness about breast cancer and raise funds for the Gloria Gemma Breast Cancer Resource Foundation. Tip-off is set for 7pm.
The URI Pink Out, now in its eighth year, is a joint effort by the school’s athletic department, athletes, marketing students, and local community supporters to raise awareness about breast cancer. Since its inception in 2007, the event has raised over $60,000 in support of the Gloria Gemma Breast Cancer Resource Foundation, a Pawtucket-based nonprofit that offers free programs and services to people affected by the dreadful disease.
The latest URI Pink Out t-shirt can be ordered online here.
“This is a great event for everyone involved,” said Adam Schemm, Assistant Athletic Director for Marketing with URI Athletics. “We absolutely love working with the Gloria Gemma Foundation and our corporate partners to raise breast cancer awareness. We’d like to thank everyone that is a part of the URI Pink Out team for all the hard work they put into this event every year to make sure it is a success.”
At Wednesday evening’s game, fans will not be the only ones showing off their “pink spirit;” URI players will also don custom pink uniforms on the hardwood. At halftime, Foundation staff members and the event’s presenting sponsors will invite breast cancer survivors from the community onto the court for a special ceremony.
This year’s URI Pink Out is made possible by support from: BankRI, South County Hospital, and B101.
“This is an event that BankRI couldn’t be more proud to support and be a part of—breast cancer is a disease that has impacted far too many of our families, friends and colleagues,” said Mark J. Meiklejohn, president and CEO of BankRI. “The outpouring of support exhibited by everyone involved truly demonstrates the passion we all have to not only spread awareness and raise funds, but to stress the importance of mammograms and early detection.”
In Rhode Island, breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed and second deadliest form of cancer among women. One out of every six Rhode Island women will be diagnosed with the disease during her lifetime.
“We’re so proud to see the entire URI campus step up in a big way year-after-year to actively promote breast cancer awareness,” said Maria Gemma, executive director of the Gloria Gemma Breast Cancer Resource Foundation. “Through their collective efforts and support, and that of the event’s sponsors, the Rhody Rams are helping us provide support for people affected by breast cancer, right here in our local communities.”

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